Outgoing Webhooks is a feature that can forward information to an external server when a message containing a specific keyword is generated from JANDI. Team Outgoing Webhook allows members to easily check information in JANDI (Conversation with Me) once the team admin connects outgoing webhooks for the entire team.
[Team Outgoing Webhooks Summary]
Outgoing Webhooks is a feature that can forward information to an external server when a message containing a specific keyword is generated from JANDI.
With Team Outgoing Webhook, members do not need to modify the webhook directly because the team admin manages the connection. Additionally, once installed by admins, all team members have access to the same feature.
JANDI uses the outgoing webhook in the form of /command parameter and assists members in utilizing the webhook by entering a description and parameter example. Each member can write webhook messages and receive notifications through JANDI (Conversation with Me).
[How to Set Up Team Outgoing Webhook]
JANDI Tool Menu on upper right corner
JANDI Connect Connect List -> Team Outgoing Webhook Select Add
Select Add
① Enter a Trigger Word: The Outgoing Webhook will be triggered with the Trigger word (/command). You can enter up to 50 characters for the Trigger word.
'Trigger Word' Example)
If you use the word 'attendance' as a trigger word, it will be shown in the message input box like below. Type in '/' in the message input box or select the slash button and select the trigger word you want.
② Command Hints/Parameter Samples: You can enter up to 100 characters for the parameter value and 50 characters for the parameter description. Entering the parameter value and description will help others view and use the connected outgoing webhooks. You can use up to 10 parameters for one webhook connection. Keep in mind that you must select the trigger word from the command list, or the system won't recognize the command as a webhook command.
'Parameter Value' and 'Parameter Description' Example)
③ Integration Description: Briefly describe the Team Outgoing Webhook so that your team members can also use the feature.
'Integration Description' Example)
④ Token: A token will be added to the payload when sending Webhooks.
⑤ URL: Enter the URL to receive the Team Outgoing Webhook from JANDI.
[Team Outgoing Webhook POST Data]
The Outgoing Webhook will be triggered when the message begins with the Trigger Word and will send the POST request to the registered URL. The following data will be included in the request. (JANDI Webhook uses the JSON format.)
token | Token to Verify JANDI Webhook (possible to add/edit) |
teamName | JANDI Team Name |
roomName | JANDI Chatroom Name |
writerName | Message Writer Name |
writerEmail | Message Writer Email |
text | Message Content |
keyword | Trigger Word |
createdAt | Message Time |
data | Message Content Without Trigger Word |
platform | Outgoing Message Platform (web,iOS,android) |
ip | Outgoing Message IP Address |
[Team Outgoing Webhook Payload and Response]
① Payload
"token" : "YE1ronbbuoZkq7h3J5KMI4Tn",
"teamName" : "Toss Lab, Inc.",
"roomName" : "Bulletin Board",
"writer" : {
"id" : "20135452",
"name" : "Kevin",
"email" : "kevin@tosslab.com",
"phoneNumber" : "2061234567"
"text" : "/weather How is the weather in New York tomorrow?",
"data" : "How is the weather in New York tomorrow?",
"keyword" : "weather",
"createdAt" : "2017-05-15T11:34:11.266Z",
"platform" : "web",
"ip" : "12.345.67.89"
Outgoing Data: When the command message starts with the trigger word, it will request POST data to the registered URL. The request includes the data above.
② Response
"body" : "[PizzaHouse] You have a new Pizza order.",
//Body text (Required)
"connectColor" : "#FAC11B", //Hex code color of attachment bar
"connectInfo" : [{
"title" : "Topping", //1st attachment area title
"description" : "Pepperoni" //1st attachment description
"title": "Location", "title": "Location"
"description": "Empire State Building, 5th Ave, New York"
//2nd attachement description }]
Responding: You can write a message in the chat room that has established a connection through the response value to the POST request. The response data format and message output are the same as the POST Data of Incoming Webhook Connect. (Responses other than the above format are ignored, and all responses different than "200 OK" responses are not processed.)
Additional Formatting: You can apply markdowns such as "bold" and "insert link" in the body part.
However, you can only link 10 Team Outgoing Webhooks per team. This feature is only available in paid plans. Click the link below to upgrade your plan!