To use your JANDI team as a collaboration platform, please invite members to your team.
💻PC / Web
Select the [≡] icon on the upper right corner of the JANDI screen, and click on [+Invite a New Member].
2. Select the status of the member you want to invite. You can invite a member as a Member or an Associate.
3. Type in the email address of the member you want to invite.
Registering members through email is more convenient because once the members receive the invitation email, they can skip the email verification process.
If you would like to invite multiple members at once, copy and share the invitation link through SNS messenger or Email.
However, to join a JANDI team through an invitation link requires email verification.
If you want to invite an associate to your team, select a topic you want to invite them to.
However, if your Team Admin has disabled the invitation settings, members cannot invite other people to the team. Please ask your Team Admin to select [Allow Invitations] settings to [Enabled For all Members].
Go to the [Org Chart] tab on the bottom of your screen and select the (+) icon on the lower right corner to invite a Member or an Associate.
cf) If you would like to invite more than 100 members at once, please contact us at!