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How to edit Topic Info (edit name, Admin)
Updated over a week ago

Only Topic Admin and Team Admin have the right to edit Topic information.


1. On the right side of the Topic, click [···] - [Edit Info] button. Only Topic Admin and Team Admin can edit information.

2. Edit Topic information in the ‘Edit Topic Info’ tab.

You can edit Name / Topic Description / Topic Admin / Remove a chosen member / Auto Member Invitation / View Only settings.

  • Exit silently

When it is set, no messages are displayed(Example image) with respect to members exiting the topic.

  • Auto invite Members

Invite all new Members to this topic.

  • Set view-only

By selecting this option, only Admin-level members will be able to enter messages.


  • On the Topic Chat screen, go to the top and tap [...] button, and the menu will be shown which will allow you to edit Topic information.

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