You can easily manage your schedule with JANDI Calendar on your mobile device.
[How to Access JANDI Calendar]
You can only access the calendar through the menu or app when logged in to your JANDI account.
[Calendar Views]
Choose how you want to view your calendar.
Monthly: View your calendar for each month.
Weekly: View your calendar each week, from Sunday to Saturday.
Daily: View your daily events.
[How to Create an Event]
Select the [+] button
[Event Details]
Setting up details works the same way as the PC JANDI Calendar.
① Event Title : You can enter up to 50 letters.
② Choose Calendar : Select the calendar you wish to add an event.
③ Choose the date : Select a start and end date. You can set the time in 10-minute increments.
④ Invite : You can invite a member to your event and share the event with other members.
⑤ Location : You can enter up to 50 letters.
⑥ Repeat : Repeat notification every day / week / month / year.
⑦ Description: You can enter up to 500 letters.
⑧ Privacy Setting Public Events: Others can see details / Others can see only availibility