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[2023.05.12] Org Chart Search
Updated over a week ago

Many of our users have shared with us that sometimes it is inconvenient to move between the department and member tabs when searching the org chart. Now we have an integrated search feature for the org chart!

Many of you search for members rather than departments in the organization chart. Since there are two separate tabs, you might have searched for members in the department tab at least once..😭

To save the precious time of JANDI users, we added the department/member integrated search.

  • How to: Select the Org Chart icon on the upper right > Search Department/Member

  • When you type in the keyword, you will see the results matching the keyword from both the department and member.

  • Select ▼ from the department results to see the list of members in that department.

  • The name results are displayed according to the following rules.

A: When the keyword is part of the name, the search results will be displayed in the following order: position > rank

B: When the keyword is not part of the name, the search results will be displayed in the following order: position > rank > name (alphabetically)

  • Changed the position of the invite button to make it more visible in the search area.
    (Only visible when the setting is set to Allow all members to invite)

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